Seldom seen flowers


These photographs were emailed to me this week and I found I could not resist sharing them with you all. These are not my photos,  no copyright infringement intended. So if they are yours please claim them.1

Mystifying and beautiful, the “Magic Dogwood” – Cornus florida subspecies urbiniana – is a rare Mexican version of the common American Dogwood tree.  Looking like exotic Chinese lanterns, these incredible blooms dazzle the eye by the hundreds each spring.  Like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike.  This is a very hard-to-find tree.  2Passiflora decaisneana – Granadilla/ Passion fruit Family 

3Beaucanea Recurvata – Pony tail Palm/ Elephant’s Foot
4Jovellana violacea is an unusual rarity from Chile with colorful sprays of happy little flowers!  The plant doesn’t have a common name, so i named it the violet Teacup Flower.  These sprightly blooms appear by the hundreds throughout Spring.  The fingernail-sized blooms are light-violet…

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